コロナ前後の働き方とおうち大好きな私がコーワーキングスペースを利用する理由。Explore the shift from working at home to utilizing a coworking space, with insights on the benefits, challenges, and societal changes involved.
日本人もよく悩むスピーチレベルについて。I introduce my original concepts, "Keigo Barrier" and "Keigo Gradation," which shed light on how language shapes interpersonal connections in Japanese culture.
確定申告について I talk about tax season in Japan as a sole proprietor, explaining the basics of filing tax returns and sharing my experiences compared to filing taxes in Canada.
Explore Japan's 2022 price hikes, from energy to food. Understand the global trend's impact on daily life in Japan, and learn how locals are adapting.
Clever tricks... Online Shopping Problems! Dive into a relatable story of an online shopping mishap. Discover the importance of reading the fine print and learn how to avoid similar pitfalls in the digital marketplace.
ファックスを使ったことがありますか?Have you every used fax before?Discover the intriguing role of fax machines in modern-day Japan. From personal anecdotes to broader cultural insights, this episode explores why this seemingly outdated technology remains prevalent in Japanese society.