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My favorite way to spend autumn in Japan
5 min read
毎年11月後半が紅葉の見頃です。The best time to see the autumn leaves is in the latter half of November every year.
Price Surge 2022: Japan's Rising Costs #142
10 min read
Explore Japan's 2022 price hikes, from energy to food. Understand the global trend's impact on daily life in Japan, and learn how locals are adapting.
Spicing It Up: Exploring Fiery Foods #141
9 min read
Dive into the world of spicy foods in this episode! From popular spicy dishes in Japan, like curry and kimchi, to personal spicy food tolerances, join us in exploring the heat!

Vlog: Hiking and Biking with my local senpais on Awashima Island
9 min read

How to Say 'No' at the Cash Register in Japan #140
8 min read
レジ前のプレッシャーを減らす方法 | For Introverts, How to reduce anxiety at the cashier. Navigate the common retail challenge in Japan: declining point card offers at the cash register. I share my experiences and practical tips for politely saying 'no', a must-know for travelers and residents alike.

Japanese Etiquette: Perfume and Traffic Rules #139
13 min read
日本にいる時に気をつけてほしいこと2選: Learn key etiquette in Japan: managing perfume use in public and obeying traffic signals. Ideal for tourists and residents, this episode helps you navigate Japanese cultural norms.
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Join SayuriSaying for weekly insights into Japanese culture and language, perfect for intermediate learners and cultural enthusiasts. Enjoy solo episodes and guest features covering everything from social norms to deep cultural concepts. Silver Penguin members and above get access to video podcasts with subtitles and easy-to-copy transcripts (with or without furigana)