-Surprising things upon returning to Japan -Places in Japan he like to visit
-How he manage finances while traveling -Where is his next travel destination? -Learning Spanish
-What kind of things cause us stress?
日本の地方都市に住んでみた本音(ネガティブ中心)Why I'm still here?
Explore rural Japan's slower pace, nature, and unique relationships. Find balance between city life and countryside, and embrace niche-interest friendships.
みずきさんとの50分の会話です。Discover Mizuki's intriguing journey, from teaching on iTalki to living in a Prius, and his extensive global travels. We discuss spirituality, lifestyle choices, and cultural insights, offering a unique perspective for language learners.
日本語のコンテンツクリエーターとしてはとしてはもちろん、人間的にすばらしいお方です!She is amazing! Join us for a delightful chat with Miku from Miku Real Japanese. Discover her passion for nature, hiking, and Japanese culture as we dive into personal stories and shared interests in language and lifestyle.
タトゥーがある?Tattoos still matter in Japan? In this video, I'm going to talk about how it has changed over the years. I'll also tell you about how tattoos are perceived today and how this may change in the future.