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Learn Commonly Used "Haya" Phrases in Japanese

Learn Commonly Used "Haya" Phrases in Japanese

public 6 min read
日常生活で使える「早〇〇」フレーズ集を集めました!Explore the commonly used Japanese "haya" (早〇〇) phrases and enhance your language skills. Dive into the world of fast-talking, fast-walking, fast-forwarding, early to bed, and early rising in Japanese.
Why We Travel: Embracing the Unknown #165

Why We Travel: Embracing the Unknown #165

tiers 11 min read
どうして旅行するんだろう?深く考えたことはありますか。そして旅行先はどうやって決めますか?How do you choose your travel destinations? This post explores the viewpoints of those passionate about travel, adventure, and detailed planning.
Japan Vlog: Spring Ume Magic in Ritsurin Park

Japan Vlog: Spring Ume Magic in Ritsurin Park

tiers 8 min read
また大好きな栗林公園にいってきました!Once again, I had the opportunity to visit a three-Michelin-starred Japanese garden in my neighborhood. Captured in a video I shot back in February, you can see the stunning ume blossoms in full bloom. I invite you to take a moment and appreciate their beauty.
Cafe Chat with Shun #162

Cafe Chat with Shun #162

tiers 34 min read
シュンさんとカフェで話しました! -Surprising things upon returning to Japan -Places in Japan he like to visit -How he manage finances while traveling -Where is his next travel destination? -Learning Spanish -What kind of things cause us stress?
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