We explore the diverse impact of technology on daily life, covering areas such as healthcare, disaster prevention, entertainment, environmental protection, and education.
日本の家庭ゴミの捨て方について学びましょう!Discover the ins and outs of Japan's unique waste management system and learn how to properly dispose of different types of household waste.
技術の発展と忙しさは比例すると思いますか。こんなに便利な世の中になったのになぜまだ忙しいと感じるんでしょうか。Are you constantly feeling busy and overwhelmed? Discover the reasons behind this phenomenon and how you can find balance in your daily life.
Gain valuable insights from a native speaker on building rich vocabulary, effective communication, and language learning techniques to help take your Japanese to the next level!
確定申告について I talk about tax season in Japan as a sole proprietor, explaining the basics of filing tax returns and sharing my experiences compared to filing taxes in Canada.
招き猫美術館に行ってきました。Discover the wonders of Japan's Manekineko Museum with me. From an hour-long mountain walk to painting my own beckoning cat, this adventure is full of surprises. Join me as I immerse you in Japanese culture and guide you through the museum's highlights.
Join SayuriSaying for weekly insights into Japanese culture and language, perfect for intermediate learners and cultural enthusiasts. Enjoy solo episodes and guest features covering everything from social norms to deep cultural concepts. Silver Penguin members and above get access to video podcasts with subtitles and easy-to-copy transcripts (with or without furigana)